Results Mixed League Finals 2014 – Lcc – Friday 15Th August 2014
Thanks to LCC for hosting finals of this year’s Mixed League.
CLASS 1 Glasnevin 1 bt Westwood Clontarf 1 – 2/1
Gary Bolger/Chizuru Ryan lst Peter Jancuska/Claire Murphy 6/2 3/6 3/6
Andy O’Reilly/Alison Buckley bt Luc Pignol/Lorraine Reilly 4/6 7/5 6/3
Philip Bramble/Karen Byrne bt Horacio Debernardi/Clare Whelan 6/3 6/7 7/5
CLASS 2 Malahide 1 bt Wicklow 1 – 2/1
Ronnie Maiti/Claire Wyms bt Loraine Van Bronckhorst/John Sexton 7/5 4/6 6/4
Brian Honan/Christine Jones lst Eamonn Dillon/Liz Doyle 6/7 0/6
Steve MacNicholas/Suzanne Donoghue bt Dave Richards/Norma Elliott
2/6 7/5 6/2
CLASS 3 Wicklow 2 bt Kilternan Parish 1 – 2/0
John Sinnott/Sinead Nolan bt Gary Colclough/Wendy Bothwell 6/2 6/3
Jeff Byrne/Ellen Sinnott unf. Gordon Pullen/Sue Wall 6/3 5/5
Kiernan Scott/Rosemary Morrissey bt Roger Dowds/Irene Glendennen 7/6 6/0