Muriel Bolton Award 2023
On Sunday 22nd October 2023, the Muriel Bolton Award for 2023 was presented to Orna Morrissey of Sutton LTC.
This Award is made annually to a Lady member of any club affiliated to the Dublin Lawn Tennis Council who in the opinion of the Council has made a significant contribution as a player or administrator to the Dublin Leagues. This award recognises the long contribution of the late Muriel Bolton to the promotion and running of the Dublin Leagues over a period of more than 40 years.
Orna Morrissey has been a member of Sutton LTC for approximately 50 years. During this time, she has represented Sutton LTC in all the DLTC leagues and has been a team Captain on numerous occasions. She has held the position of Tennis Administrator in Sutton LTC for several years and expertly manages all aspects of tennis life….open tournaments, internal competitions, league teams…… Club captains, team captains, coaches, officers and club members would be lost without her reassuring presence, knowledge, dedication and calmness as they exercise their roles within Sutton LTC.
Orna Morrissey is indeed a very worthy recipient of the Muriel Bolton award for 2023. The photograph shows Orna receiving her award from Mary Harte, President of the Dublin Lawn Tennis Council.